
Modern road maintenance means constant innovation and research

To make asphalt surface maintenance more efficient, we are constantly improving our existing technologies.

asphalt road monitoring using AI - FUTTEC
kamery na střeše monitorovacího vozidla

Intelligent road condition monitoring

On any new asphalt surface, due to weather and traffic, cracks will appear in a few years, often still during the warranty period of the road. Cracks will soon turn into potholes, making the road unsafe to use. Emergency temporary or even general repairs are not only financially demanding, but also socially costly, as they result in long traffic closures.

icon monitoring - FUTTEC a.s.

Regular monitoring of potholes is the real prevention of unnecessary costs. FUTTEC is therefore developing a smart system for collecting and evaluating road condition data using big data and artificial intelligence (AI).

icon analysis - FUTTEC a.s.

Our special software at level 1 uses data collected by calibrated cameras and categorizes the location and nature of potholes. At level 2, based on data analysis, it can model the future state of potholes for road managers. Accordingly, microwave repairs can be predicted and designed in time and within given budgets.

icon preventive repairs - FUTTEC a.s.

Preventive repairs with microwave technology reduce maintenance costs for road managers by more than half. In addition, they can also be carried out in winter and prevent the spread of damaged areas.

raznice kvality asfaltové směsi

Our ecosystem also includes our own asphalt mixtures, which we have developed specifically for microwave heating. Not only do they have optimal properties, but above all, they improve the speed and quality of repairs.

mikrovlnný cestář FT-5

Completely new generation of Microwave Patcher

We continue developing the digitally controlled, fully autonomous FT‑5 machine, allowing with a triple power both faster heating of the repaired pothole and heating of the asphalt mixture in 2 integrated furnaces.

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illustration of innovation and development

Taking part in many innovation programmes

In recent years we have participated in the following innovation and research programmes:

  • 2024, OP TAK – Innovation voucher – Environmental impact assessment of the FT3 device using LCA analysis
  • 2024, OP TAK – Innovation voucher – Magnetron switching system optimization
  • 2021, OP PIK – Application - Research and development of an innovative microwave system for asphalt surface repair
  • 2021, OP PIK – Proof of Concept – Verification of technical feasibility of asphalt cracks repair equipment 
  • 2021, OP PIK – Proof of Concept – Verification of technical feasibility of a new power system of FT4 microwave device FT4
  • 2020, OP PIK – Proof of Concept – Verification of technical feasibility and commercial potential of 3D image capture for asphalt surface repair automation
  • 2019, SME Instrument HORIZON 2020 – Rapid And Durable Asphalt Road Repairs 2
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Get in touch

Michael W. Seifert - FUTTEC a.s.

Michael W. Seifert

President & Chief Executive Officer

Book a meeting with us