Effective microwave system
for asphalt road maintenance
A unique, economical and environmentally friendly solution for road administrators, cities and municipalities.
We are transforming the way asphalt surfaces are maintained
At FUTTEC, we have been developing unique microwave technology since 2011. We are thus continuing the work of the almost forgotten Czech professor Augustin Žáček, who invented the cavity magnetron at the beginning of the 20th century.
Our work has resulted in a number of microwave technical solutions that are now recommended by the Czech Ministry of Transport under TP-264/2023. We are one of the first to be granted a European patent by the European Patent Office, valid uniformly in 17 EU countries, and we also pursue patent proceedings in non-European countries.
We are convinced that road repairs can be done quickly, efficiently, cheaply and sustainably. In fact, timely and preventive microwave repairs prevent inconvenient traffic closures and save maintenance costs.
Currently we focus on providing emergency repairs of asphalt surfaces
Trouble-free emergency repairs of asphalt surfaces
Our crews repair roads quickly and perfectly even in winter conditions. The innovative use of microwave heating technology is being used by a number of Czech regions and we are looking to expand abroad.

pothole repairs since 2020
closure-free, night time repairs
repairs made within 60 minutes
cost saving compared to a normal repair

Latest news
Úspěšně jsme dokončili projekt Posouzení dopadu zařízení FT3 na životní prostředí
Úspěšně jsme dokončili projekt Posouzení dopadu mikrovlnného cestáře FT3 na životní prostředí pomocí LCA analýzy, který byl spolufinancován Evropskou unií. Jeho cílem bylo vyčíslit dopad systému FT3 na životní prostředí. V rámci projektu byl vytvořen (ve spolupráci s VŠCHT) LCA model, na jehož základě byla zpracována LCA analýza.